I can't get enough of the election this year - including the primaries, this entire race has reinvigorated my interest in public policy. Initially I LOVED voting....when I turned 18, my treat to myself that day was to buy lottery tickets and register to vote. As a proud card carrying republican, I proudly wore my "i voted" sticker the day I voted in my first presidential election. I still get a little teary that Bob Dole did not win.
In the in between years between then and now, I kind of lost my way a bit... Going through college, graduating and then stumbling through my first years of working as an "adult" left me a bit apathetic about voting. Somewhere in there 911 happened and then I completely cut off current affairs from my daily repertoire.
This year I was waiting at the edge of my seat to vote....
Although I hesitantly voted for the democratic presidential candidate, it is the better choice for me this time around. I don't particularly care that he has only been a senator for 4 years...if a leader inspires, it almost doesn't matter if they singularity do anything great. If you can inspire people to do great things on their own...you have done more than you alone could have ever done with a policy. The change that occurs in those people will be longer lasting than a tax cut or a 5 cent wage increase would ever do - it can change their outlook and impact the lives of those around them.
I prefer to be nationally conservative and locally liberal....actually if you look at how I voted in the CA state and SF city ballot, you would think I was a communist.
I'm all pent up and needing to talk about policy but it's difficult as politics is one of those things people don't like to talk about...and lately, if I do talk about it people just tell me I need to re-register my party and that is NOT what I am trying to illicit from folks. I don't want you to tell me what to do, I just want to discuss the issues with someone and am looking for an opportunity to express my views. ARG. Well, I guess that's what this blog is for.