It's so good for you that you won't know what to do with all the extra years you'll be living. Outside of the fact that Pomegranate juice is super good for you (the highest level of antioxidants or something) it comes in super fun packaging with super cute logos. I swear, I first bought this stuff on their packaging alone (yes I drink the corporate kool-aid everyday) but now I totally dif this stuff. I'm guessing the bottle is supposed to look like pomegranates stacked on top of each other, but I've gotten some very strange looks when drinking this at work....I'm guessing it resembles a bong? other than that, I don't want to think about it.
How much sugar is in that?
BTW, it makes a good turkey or pork glaze. It's probably a great lamb marinade as well.
I believe it's only like 70 calories for a glass of juice. It was featured in one of my workout mags bc of it's low sugar content.
I usually mix it with some bubble water and it fakes me out into thinking I'm drinking a cocktail.
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