So I'm running the Nike Women's Marathon (half marathon distance) on October 23rd...I know it's absurd and I'm currently eating my hat about how I used to say I'll NEVER run, blah blah blah...I know. But I'm running with Linh, Hollis and Susi so there is group support. So on Saturday I ran with Linh on a training run provided by Niketown's Club Run SF....I picked up L-dog early in the morning and we drove down to the Little Marina Green (next to Palace of Fine Arts) to meet up with the group for our run. Linh's doing the full distance so she needed to run 12 that day and I am doing the half so I had 6 miles on my calendar..but as the dopes that we are, we couldn't figure out where our respective turnaround points were so I ended up running 8 and she ran 14. Crazy...
There was a shitload of people that showed up to this too...this run club is not just for the marathon, but for running in general. Nike's mission apparently is to get more women out there running - hence the Women's marathon in October. Of the shitloads of people, 99% of them were women. So the morning consisted of being able to run in pace groups (by every 30 seconds) and there was also a walking club that followed the runners. They have stations setup every 2 miles with water, gatorade and GU...After the run, there were bagels, fruit and beverages....PLUS you can try on shoes to use for the run...pretty neat. I was kind of creeped out by the whole idea of used shoes...but to each his own - I went to Metrosport afterwards and bought shoes. ALL OF THIS WAS FREE! I know they probably end up selling more Nike stuff in general this way, but I think it's pretty neat. I'd go again.
Single men out there should go to this to meet chicks - because you can meet tons of them.
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