Pic by Susan. Here I'm so glad to be done that I am posing as if I were running. I ran the Nike Women's Half Marathon on Sunday in approximately 2 hours and 20 minutes. I say approximately because my information "cannot be found" on the Nike marathon site...I think my timing chip may have decided to not work. How Lame - it's like the record of my run almost doesn't exist...thank god Susan had a camera to document my actual participation.
Overall the half was good. I felt good the whole time. What I wasn't prepared for was the 2 mile uphill climb through the Presidio and Sea Cliff parts of town during miles 6-8. I guess I should have studied the course map a little more closely. I started off a little slower than my usual pace so I decided to make up time by using the downhill part to my advantage. Big mistake, as my joints are boycotting their existence...my hip, knee and ankle joints all ache to the point of sheer misery. I actully found it difficult to roll over in my sleep..ugh
Thank you to my Team Betty Supporters! It's a great help to see familiar faces along the course, especially when things start to hurt enough that you want to stop.
Great job Betty, hope your feet and knees are all rested up. You've
inspired me about maybe doing this race next year... Or maybe it's the
Tiffany necklace....hmmm.... ;)
Chester - didn't you just post on your site that you're done with cycling? That you've apprently hung up your spandex for good?
Susan - you totally should do it next year...getting a Tiffany's box as soon as I crossed the finish line was pretty cool
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