Nonetheless, we all had a great time out at Suppenkuche for dinner...gotta love the schnitzel. Who in their right mind does not love fried anything, especially pork? Drinks were originally planned for Place Pigalle which looked online like a little hipster joint - but after getting there the lacking of hard alcohol proved to be too much and we progressed down the street to a place called Sugar.
p.s. super cute - would totally go back.
And wouldn't you know it? we all turned into pumpkins around 12:00 and were all trying to find ways to get outta the bars and go home...so us old folks could go to sleep. Funny thing is, Sam and Michelle ditched first and they were the youngest people there AND the most recent college grads. I mean, if 23 year olds can't stay out past midnight...what chance do the rest of us have.
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