Wednesday, May 16, 2007


I am so flipping depressed....I just went to Sushimania and it looks like the place has been sold :(

they had one of those yellow paper signs on the door that indicate someone else has applied for a license at that location or change of ownership or something.... Inside the employees were the same, but no Hidei. I couldn't bring myself up to ask what had happened because I had no support crew with me and was afraid I would lose my shit. It's an end of an era....I have been going there for 8 years....I can't believe I have to find a new sushi place....I feel so abandoned.

Chester has graciously volunteered to go there with me next week to find out what's going on...

Some past sushimania highlights

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it's okay betty. we've got the sunnyvale sushi boat place that we don't even know the name of. and the people there recognize can be our new "sushimania".