Movie Synopsis from IMDB...
'Rachel Getting Married' is a contemporary drama with an aggressive sense of humor about the return of an estranged daughter to the family home for her sister's wedding. Kym's (Hathaway) reemergence throws a wrench into the family dynamics, forcing long-simmering tensions to surface in ways both hilarious and heartbreaking. 'Rachel Getting Married' paints a colorful, nuanced family portrait and is filled with the rich characters that have always been a hallmark of Jonathan Demme's films. -
My take:
The movie was good. It was heartbreaking to watch at times but it was complex, sad and hopeful. Anyone who has a sibling can relate to the tensions that rise between the sisters. Anyone who has a friend or relative who has had any sort of substance abuse issues in the past can relate to the mixed feelings of love, hope and hatred that brew amongst those who have to watch their loved one fall deeper...attempt to get better, sometimes lie and then fall again. This was the first movie in a long time that actually made me cry...not in a weepy sort of way, but in a eyes brimming then just spewing over the lids sort of way. It was so sad and painful at times to watch this family go through all of the scenes while a constant layer of happiness was painted in broad strokes with the sister's wedding. Certain interpersonal reltaionships could have been developed more, like the relationship with the mother and at some points I felt it things switched a bit too abruptly from one scene to another but...oh well.
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