Hiroko wake up! HAHAHAHAHA As this was an event the day after Hiroko and Andy's joint birthday party, we had a few attendees that were a bit hungover. At one point in the game, Hiroko put her head on Sal's shoulder for a quick "nap." Game was good..the Niners put up a good fight and was a close game that was fun to watch. In the end, the Niners won which was surprisingly in an of itself...
I think the saddest thing about this game was my inability to flag down the churro vendor for the majority of the game.

Why do we always look so dorky for the game photos?

Sam being Sam.... As he had turned bright red within minutes of his first beer, we kept harassing him with "hey, how's your sunburn?"

Big beefy patties awaiting the grill. This year we had about 15 people at the tailgate which was WAY more manageable than in years past. We only had two coolers...one for food and one for booze...craziness. The vibe was much more mellow and more my speed given how I am about 5 paces behind everyone else these days, being knocked up and all.

Again, Sam being Sam....he is such a ham it is insane. Chester used to call me a camera whore, but really compared to Sam I don't even qualify to be an amatuer.
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