Friday, January 15, 2010

New cameras and such

For Christmas this year, Forrest got me a new camera.. it's one of those in between SLR and pocket digitals.. IT IS AMAZING. I had no idea what I was missing out on in terms of color quality and crispness of image - WOW. The reason we got this hybrid is because I didn't want to have a huge ass SLR to lug around all the time but we were thinking we needed something better than the pocket digital cam.... So we ended up with a Panasonic Lumix - it just looks like an SLR only smaller.

so uh you know, you can check out some random scenery shots

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is the best camera ever. I took my brother's on my trip to Greece and Italy and think those photos turned out AMAZING...well, the camera coupled with a not so bad photographer. HA!

Although, my next purchase is an SLR.