So random article on
MSN today is about how single women in their late 30's and 40's are choosing for articifical insemination because if they are single, they would at least still like to have children. I can totally understand one's desire for companionship and family but when does having children alone become the consolation prize because you didn't get married? When these people spent so much of their life avoiding the rituals (dating) that could potentially lead to things like marriage and family. The one lady in the article talks about how she was dating like a mofo in her late 30's trying to meet a "marryable man" but life and family are not the same as crammning for that biology final in college. Besides that point, when did just you become not good enough anymore? If what they wanted was to eventually get married and have kids, they should have made time for nurturing that ideal instead of ignoring it completely. Besides with as removed as most women are today from any sort of domestic duty, it may be best if they refrain from having children...it's bad enough there are so many women out there with kitchen appliances gained from wedding registries that they don't know how to use...there needn't be children concieved just to shop at pottery barn kids.
I am all about getting what you want, etc...but sometimes, some things just seem off.
you know that you can shop at pottery barn kids even if you don't have a kid...especially if you have a 4 pound dog that you are crazy about!!!
love it.
You are so right! It's hard to focus on family with all the pressures of modern life, but if you want it, you have to work at making it a priority every day, not just all of the sudden when you realize it might be too late.
Sure, things happen in life that de-rail plans and I'm cool with women wanting to go forward with having children even if marriage didn't work out, but the family and parenting thing should be something your whole life leads up to, not something quickly compartmentalized into the few remaining fertile while you pause partying and thinking only of yourself.
(I am totally confident that you weren't referring to me and my kitchen aid, btw, heh.)
I know plenty of women who have jobs and families....and that's their priority to have a balanced life. If you end up a crazy workaholic (like me) you know you are and you know you are probably avoiding making time and considerations for things - but it's never a "i didn't know time was moving so fast!?!" type of bullshit. Everyone has birthdays and those with the busiest/fabulous lives tend to have the biggest birthday bashes so it's not like they never knew they were getting older.
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