For those who could not make it last night, we avenged our loss from 2 weeks ago with a 9-4 defeat of bo select. although we did not play to our full potential, we played a lot better than 2 weeks ago and it showed up in the final score. we still have some work to do on our hitting, but i would say it is much improved (especially the girls) from earlier in the season. and we did it with only 9 people because we were short one girl.
Although betty did a solid job filling in at first base last night, player of the game went to......................... unnnecessary suspense considering i already announced it last night.......................more drumroll............................ HIROKO again for the death-defying acrobatics employed while sliding into 2nd and 3rd base. very impressive flexibility and agility for someone her age. she also ruined her pink pants and scraped her knee, all while angering the second baseman of bo select, who had never seen such tenacity and fearlessness on the bases. she even made the play of the game when she snagged a hard grounder while playing second base. congrats hiroko, you deserve it. for you efforts, vy has volunteered to sew up the hole in your pink pants in lieu of the customary donation to the david lee cleat fund.
Thanks for the props! You should have actually taken the photo after I hit it...you know the straight pop-up to the third baseman. That mvp award was totally undeserved...
that would have required too much concentration on my part...hahaha. but your sliding capabilities are rather amazing.
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