Her research is to point out how in today's world, the search for the American Dream is essentially futile because a college degree no longer guarantees a stable job and sometimes even highly educated people can't find work. Well, seeing as how her research occured during the dot-com bust, DUH!
I honestly believe that the American Dream or any fucking dream for that matter is only a reward to those who constantly try, learn, excel and maintain relevance in whatever industry/trade/skill they are specialists in. If I wanted to be a court reporter, I should probably stop using a fucking rock and chisel to take the minutes and start using whatever new machine they had to make the process better. She talks about how the dream is all a lie, well in a recession honey, everyone has to make some consessions. It's not corporate America's purpose to provide jobs for every idiot on the planet. It's the responsibility of the people to innovate and invent and for corporations to provide structure so that innovation can grow and proliferate to the rest of society (good or bad).
I can go on and on, but I'm getting so pissed off at Barbara's retarded opinion that I may punch my computer because I have to type this shit...AHHHHHH
Really if dumbass people can't improve their skills, you will be cut away when times are lean. When American automakers decided to sit back on their fat laurels, the Japanese came in with cars that kicked our ass - and when natural resources started to get tighter, they pushed innovation faster than we did, so they won the car race. It is really is fair. If I was the slow gazelle, I would be eaten a lot sooner than the fast one...
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