Above is the result of my evil test. It's pretty funny...although many of the questions, in my opinion, have nothing to do with being evil and have everything to do with how much fun you have in your life. I'll let you be the judge of your own "evilness."
Here are some sample questions:
- Do you own an SUV?
- Ever driven drunk?
- Ever sold drugs to others?
- Have you ever killed an animal?
- Have you ever had a one night stand?
- Do you curse (swear, cuss, etc)?
HeeHee...I'd be interested to know how others fare....and what the "evil" grade is of the people around me....based on the test, I'd be surprised if more of you weren't on the bad side :)
56% evil, that explains why I sink in the swimming pool. Fo
Bwha ha ha...
My evilness will overcome and conquer all....for world domination!
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