Maggots were just approved by the FDA as being "approved medical devices." I don't know how I feel about that, I do know that I'm getting a little nauseous just looking at this picture. The idea of those little fuckers squirming around eating dead flesh in any wound on my body makes mw wanna hurl. I'd rather be pumped full of morphine...heeheehee.
But the article is interesting...because studies have shown that many medicines actually inhibit the body from healing. I know people who went through childbirth naturally (read it: no drugs) and the mother and child recovered faster..hmmm? who knew?
Excerpt from Article:
So far, most patients have been enthusiastic -- once they are reassured that the sterilized greenfly larvae will not start burrowing into healthy flesh.
How do they REALLY know? With my luck, I'm going to get the batch of maggots that decide "hey this chick Betty's leg tastes pretty good, let's burrow and eat her alive." I think I'm gonna throw up.
They only eat rot, I guess they don't like heathy flesh or something. Too bad it is so repulsive, because it is really an efficient natural solution to some problems.
It still grosses me out. I know it's probably a better natural/organic solution...but...I feel that opiate derivatives like Oxycontin and Morphine are organic too...uh...yeah...
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