Group photo right before the viewing of Memento.
Left to Right: Sherry, Anthony (holding Isabel), Jeremy, Annic (in front of Jeremy). Sean is on the far right and Mike is to the left of him....besides that, I can't remember the other people's names...so hopefully Sean will fill me in.
Sean, Annie, Jeremy, Anthony and I used to all work together a few jobs ago..and we basically haven't seen each other since we were all laid off. Fast forward to March: Sean just purchased a movie projector thingy so he wanted to have a little party/movie shindig. We all mozied over to Oakland and watched movie theater quality viewing of Memento on the far left wall. pretty cool.
BTW - Annie and I drove back to the city in record time...I swear to god....Oakland scares me. Sean says he's used to it, but I think he's nuts. Across the street from his house, there were a slew of people just kinda hanging around the chain link fence and a Chevy Suburban with the radio blaring at full blast...SWEET. It was a little scary...but Sean's townhouse/condo complex was very nice...a loft style haven of young yuppiness.
1 comment:
Mike is on my right, Takumi and Ling are behind him, and Steve is in front of Annie. This was so much fun! It was great to see all my old homies from my dot.com days. We'll have to do it again!
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