Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Fucking Hilarious

There's this guy named Steve who has a blog called The Sneeze...Molly brought this to my attention awhile back because this guy is a walking food experiment....with his prison hootch and potted meat sampling.....say it with me...GROSS.

But what's uber funny is Monday's post about missed personal favorite is the "how you like them apples" post...fucking hilarious.

Just say NO to tough butt

Monday, August 29, 2005

Riding with Julie

Met up with Julie after work today and did an easy 90 minute ride around Foothill Expressway up on Alpine Road...made a U turn where it hits Woodside Road then meandered under 280 and through the back roads of Los Altos back out onto Foothill. It was nice and full of rolling hills so my legs weren't searing from pain like they were on Saturday but it was still a bit of work for me. For Julie it was a total recovery ride from her racing madness weekend....lesson learned from this experience is to 1. not stay in King City unless you have to and 2. if you're a newbie, don't announce it at a race and don't try to be in the front of the're probably safer (and so are the other riders) if you hang back and get your feet wet.

On the way home cruisin down on 280, I made the obligatory stop in at the Duke of Edinburgh to visit Michelle, get an adult beverage and a quesadilla (and hot dog). Don't stop by there as much as I used to..but it really hasn't changed much in the past few years.

Are you sure they're edible?

What do these look like to you? I mean REALLY...tell me. The cafe across the street from work started making these last week..they're half bananas dipped in chocolate and rolled in nuts. But I haven't been able to stop laughing since I started seeing them on the counter last week..because to me, they look like little terds.

Movie Review: Wedding Crashers

Last night Forrest and I went to see Wedding Crashers in downtown San Jose after my volunteering stint for the Emergency Housing Consortium. This movie was friggin hilarious....although I did think that 40 Year Old Virgin was better for the 1-liners that you could later quote, think of Napolean Dynamite...but the dialouge was funnier as a whole in Wedding Crashers. I found it somewhat annoying that they tried to build a plot instead of just keeping with the jokes (shallow move on my part) but the funny parts were pretty friggin funny. Sometimes gross or uncomfortably funny. Definately worth the visit to the theaters... Oh and BTW, the Camera 12 in downtown San Jose (formerly the UA theaters) has flavored powder for your popcorn, a fundamentally gross idea but tastes good on top of the fake butter.

Jumping in with both feet

Feet that are clipped into pedals while climbing like a mofo and trying not to vomit all over myself. On Saturday I went cycling with Forrest, Chester, Chris and Coady...We met over at Chester's casa and went on the Calaveras Loop. I am happy to have such a supportive group of people to cycle with who encourage me to keep going and etc etc...But I dunno if I can keep up...

If you look at Chester's post about Calaveras Loop, it's a doozy in the beginning and I almost vomited upon finishing the initial 1.5 hour climb.....After having to walk my bike up the last insanely steep portion. I later motored to the best of my ability (being new to cycling and all) but was only able to make it just past Mission San Jose. I had stopped sweating and every part of my body was now aching - we had also been riding for 3 hours. Feeling totally defeated, I told Forrest that I HAD to stop cycling..And proceeded to slump down next to a palm tree. I don't know if it was the shame or the fatigue, but the breathing was a bit shallow and I couldn't really speak at a volume much higher than a whisper. Forrest then trekked it down to the corner gas station and picked up some Gatorade and a liter of water....I then pounded fluids in a mad dash for hydration.

I'm ready to ride fact I am excited about riding again...and eventually being able to effectively conquer the Calaveras Loop at a later time. As soon as my legs stop aching.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Venturing a little further

Per Julie and Tim's suggestion...I visited the nice people over at The Bicycle Outfitter in Los Altos right off of Foothileel Expressway. Julie and Tim get their bikes serviced there but purchase gear at Palo Alto Bikes (also very nice people when I stopped by earlier in the week). After much trying to replace my pedals but to no avail, I woke up early today and trekked it on down to The Bicycle Outfitter for help. Julie told me to ask for Jose and to say that her and Tim sent me...but no Jose. Only John and Alan...but Alan went ahead and put my new fangle dangled clipless pedals onto my bike and proceeded to adjust a number of other things on the bike, like my brakes, check my gears and a bunch of other stuff that included taking my wheels off - futzing with stuff then putting them back on. During this time I learned that Alan is sponsored by Specialized so was very interested in knowing how I liked my Specialized Allez Elite because he rides with a guy who is one of the designers for the Allez line...muy interestante but I didn't understand about 75% of the cycling jargon used.

All in all, they were very nice and didn't charge me for the work they did on my bike. Nice way to enter into what has been an already gear intensive start into cycling. I will be making an appt later for a fitting.

Book Review: Dress Your Family in Courduroy and Denim

Just finished my first David Sedaris book, Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Demin this morning while eating breakfast. I have to say, I REALLY enjoyed his writing style....he's funny, a bit dar and dry with his humor... I also really enjoy reading about his family story from his point of view which seems somewhat exaggerated for effect but entertaining. It would be interesting also, if we could read stories about the same experiences from his siblings' respective points of view...since it appears that each one of them is sooo different. A reflection or two from Hugh's point of view could be interesting as well. That's all besides the point, my final answer is yes I enjoyed this book and have put all other Sedaris books on my Amazon wishlist...right next to my Kanye West CD's.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Battle of the asian moms...part 2

Dinner with Hiroko, Sam and Vy last evening after our softball game at St John's in Santa Clara was interesting as Hiroko recently went home (Seattle) for a friend's wedding and got to spend time with her parents. So inevitably, our conversation turned to the "constructive criticism" that she and I get from our respective mothers.

Hiroko, upon entering her parents' home saw her mother who started waving her arms and chanting, "No More Carbs! Wine Equals Sugar!" repeatedly.

My mother a few weekends ago said (as I was decked out in my cycling gear)
MOM: Betty, come over here in front of your dad and me
MOM: Because I want you to show us how skinny you are now. Who knew that all it would take was you getting a boyfriend to finally lose some weight. I guess now you'll also keep the weight off so you don't scare away your boyfriend.

The ironic part of the above statements is that both Hiroks and I are average sized people who lead very active lives....

Newest addition to my cycling gear family

Stopped by Supergo last night to pick up some new road cycling shoes (Specialized Torch)...I called Chester in a panic when I was at the store trying them on, imagine it: me, flustered with one road shoe on, pantleg hiked up and other foot barefoot...sweating profusely because I have to buy shoes. Meanwhile all I can think about is how well the metallic blue matches my bike as well as my jerseys.

Pic of my new pedals.
I picked up these Look pedals from Supergo last night as well...I almost purchased the Supergo brand ones that look the same as these, but refrained although the pricepoint is WAY better on the Supergo set. Something about flex or whatever made me buy these because I've been warned about potential knee problems from poor pedals, etc. Today I went and picked up a bicycle pedal wrench thingy so will be changing them out shortly so I can test out this whole clipless pedal, cleat, shoe I won't totally embarrass myself on tomorrow's ride.

An Hour of Howard

I will be commuting to Pleasanton today for an all day training of some new solution offerings from our business partner. I don't like driving that much although I LOVE my driving for 40 minutes doesn't sound like a joy I would like to participate in, however, I do get to listen to Howard Stern the entire way...YES.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Dinner with Forrest at Ozumo

Last night I was up in SF for a work related local interest group was a roomful of pseudo geeks because they are IT people but not so much on the technology side but on the business process side of making the techies more effective/efficient and consistent. So it was sooo much fun - just kidding.

Afterwards, I met up with Forrest at his office where I was creepily admired by a passing Coca-Cola delivery man. By the time Forrest got downtstairs, he found me trying to blend into the building.

Somehow during my post traumatic stress moment, Forrest was able to successfully guide me towards Ozumo. It was pretty neat with their asian fusion type of feel...but still sushi. We got the roll special which was a CA roll wrapped in seared salmon topped with a spicy sauce and unagi sauce...yum yum. Another one was stuffed with assorted shellfish/crustaceans and then deep fried (gotta love that).

Dinner with Hollis at La Lanterna

Had dinner with Hollis on Tuesday night in San Mateo (nice 1/2 way point for the two of us) at La Lanterna on 25th and El Camino. Nice little neighborhood spot with super fabulous food.

My dinner:
  • Insalata Della Casa - Endive salad with carmelized pears, walnuts and blue cheese with a super yummy champagne vinegarette
  • Tuna Special - it was grilled medium rare with mashed potatoes and spinach....there was a wine based sauce that was light brown...something...demi glace maybe? fucking goood - I almost forgot about the baby carrots that were carmelized a bit, so f-ing good. It was like candy.
  • Panna Cotta - OMG soooooooooooo goood...and about the size of my fist...i love panna cotta
Hollis's dinner:
  • Minestrone - didn't know but she's s a big fan of homemade minestrone
  • Veal Saltimbocca - with cheese on the pounded veal cutlets...potatoes, veggies and those sweet carrots again. mmmmmm
  • Tiramisu - it came in three scoops kinda like ice cream but is was so light and fluffly and oh soooooo yummy
I wish I took pictures because presentation was well as the super large sized wine glasses. It's such a joy to eat good food.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Good Deeds

I'm off to volunteer this Sunday at Ramsey's annual House for the Homeless....The event is from 2pm to 2am with a ton of DJ's volunteerinf their time to throw a big party to raise money for the Emergency Housing Consortium. Stop by between 4 - 630 pm...and visit me at the door and gimmir your $10 bucks - obviously, I'll be working the door...I'm getting a flashback of when I used to work at this club and work the door...eek! Good Times

Monday, August 22, 2005

Pre Ruth Day

Happy Pre-Ruth Day Eve. Sunday night was dinner with the fam to celebrate my mom's birthday. Her actual birthday is on Thursday but since my dad works nights during the week, we decided that a weekend dinner is probably best. So I took the entire clan out to Paragon in downtown San's attached to the Hotel Montgomery. It was my first time eating at Paragon and I thought the food was pretty good. I had a pork skewer thing, there were 2 orders of pot roast, an order of the fish special and a seared scallop order. Linh - they have a bread pudding that I think you'd really enjoy. I ambushed everyone and asked Forrest to dinner around noon on Sunday and the parentals didn't find out until about 530 pm that he was coming. I should try to plan these types of meetings better...but I had just made the decision while driving through Sausalito.

I wanna be like Chester

Sunday's bike ride with Forrest started just past downtown Sausalito on the Corte Madera Trail, we then biked uphill for what seemed like an eternity then cruised on over to Tiburon for a snack then back over to Sausalito...a total of 2.5 hours (including the 20 minute snack break and all the waiting at red lights). I pulled this picture off Google maps, although I don't really know where we went on this map, when it comes to specifics....but primarily I wanted to be like Chester and copy what he was doing..hahaha....I am at a loss for any original thoughts today. I think I may have over-exercized this weekend.

Willis Seafood

Went to Willi's Seafood in Healdsburg...a few weeks back with Sam and Bert. This place was sorta like Tapas...but only in the concept of small plates because the food wasn't in a Spanish style. This place was friggin good - definately worth a repeat visit. We had a tuna tartare (as I love all things raw) but it was mixed with coconut milk - yummy. There was also a New England lobster roll...basically dripping in butter...oh yes

Nike Women's Marathon

So I'm running the Nike Women's Marathon (half marathon distance) on October 23rd...I know it's absurd and I'm currently eating my hat about how I used to say I'll NEVER run, blah blah blah...I know. But I'm running with Linh, Hollis and Susi so there is group support. So on Saturday I ran with Linh on a training run provided by Niketown's Club Run SF....I picked up L-dog early in the morning and we drove down to the Little Marina Green (next to Palace of Fine Arts) to meet up with the group for our run. Linh's doing the full distance so she needed to run 12 that day and I am doing the half so I had 6 miles on my calendar..but as the dopes that we are, we couldn't figure out where our respective turnaround points were so I ended up running 8 and she ran 14. Crazy...

There was a shitload of people that showed up to this too...this run club is not just for the marathon, but for running in general. Nike's mission apparently is to get more women out there running - hence the Women's marathon in October. Of the shitloads of people, 99% of them were women. So the morning consisted of being able to run in pace groups (by every 30 seconds) and there was also a walking club that followed the runners. They have stations setup every 2 miles with water, gatorade and GU...After the run, there were bagels, fruit and beverages....PLUS you can try on shoes to use for the run...pretty neat. I was kind of creeped out by the whole idea of used shoes...but to each his own - I went to Metrosport afterwards and bought shoes. ALL OF THIS WAS FREE! I know they probably end up selling more Nike stuff in general this way, but I think it's pretty neat. I'd go again.

Single men out there should go to this to meet chicks - because you can meet tons of them.

Movie Review: The 40 Year-Old Virgin

Watched the movie, 40 Year Old Virgin with Forrest on Saturday afternoon. This movie is friggin hilarious - it covers most racial stereotypes but is relatively light hearted in doing so...the main character Andy is not portrayed as a complete freak of nature but with qualities that we can see in everyone around us and in his still holding onto the V card doesn't really seem that absurd. After a few poorly executed makeout attempts, he just got too shy about it and decided to devote his time to hobbies. Regardless, it's super funny.

Key things to watch for:
  • Boner Jams 03
  • You know how I know you're gay?
  • there are more, but i can't remember them now

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Maiden Voyage

Went for my first ride on the new bike yesterday. Chester and I went on a biking tour of Santa Clara, Sunnyvale and Alviso. We were on the road for about an hour and 45 minutes...this was after I spent lunchtime swimming 550 needless to say I was friggin tired last night.

I gotta say though - the bike feels GOOD...

Monday, August 15, 2005

Impulse Buy

This is a picture of my new super hot bike....I have realized that this does not even qualify in the cute category and has been promoted to super hot. It's fun and silver (as to match with more cycling outfit options) and has these cool little clear sections. I don't know what they are really for, and I am still learning about all the features of my bike. I'm convinced it is WAY too much bike for me and that I probably won't outgrow the bike for a few years, but I am excited at the chance to try. OH - the bike is a 2005 Specialized Allez Elite...whatever that means...

Saturday I went out with Chester and Forrest to ride Julie's bike on a trail in Fremont. My ass hurt, it still hurts from that ride but I had so much fun...I've decided that I HAVE to go again. Alas, I hit up The Broken Spoke...and got this lovely lovely.

Today I hit up Supergo for some spare tires/innertubes or whatever. This sport is a gear whore's dream...this and golf. OMG - I spotted some cute pastel camelbak packs today too...ahhhhhh.... My credit card is still kind of in shock from the purchase, I think that's the largest single item purchase to date, minus the

Disco Bowling for Debbie

Saturday night, I went to Debbie's birthday bowling party..that's Team VEEB's score at Oakridge lanes in San Jose over by Oakridge Mall off 85 and 87. My team has Vlad, Eric, Eugene and Me...Debbie made me take a picture because my score was 69..hahahaha. I don't know where Vlad honed in his mad bowling skills but he was punking us the entire time. Later after Eric and Eugene left, Vlad and I had a showdown...where I actually broke a hundred and then decided to bowl roughly 20 balls into the lane when our game was shut off.

The crew for Debbie's birthday..from left to right: Jenni, Debbie, Nelson, Kim and Sophia. I hadn't seen Sophia since last year at Debbie's wedding and thought she looked different...then I realized she's pregnant. Her and Nelson are expecting their little girl in November.

Debbie decided to put together a bowling night for her birthday party. I haven't been bowling since I was a kid, but holy crap it's super fun! AND some bowling alleys have a Oakridge lanes, which makes things even better - especially when we start getting super competitive while bowling...heehee...a good time was definately had by all. Deb says next year it's disco roller skating - SWEET!

Hi, My Name is Zoe Ella

Friday night I went over to Sarah and Scott's for dinner to catch up and got an eyeful of this beautiful little girl (no longer a baby) Zoe. She'll be 2 in November and I basically could not understand how she grew so much in the last few months! AND she's talking! she's a big flirt too. I can't believe this is the same baby that I got to see via ultrasound a couple of years ago. Needless to say, the super cute family unit is doing great - with another baby on the way and a new family friendly 4 door sedan.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Tour de Betty 1

Saturday I went for my very first road bike ride...drove to Chester's casa where Chester, Forrest and I hopped on bikes and road down an 11 mile trail that took us to the bay. It was pretty friggin cool...I think I am a road bike convert. I immediately went down to San Carlos where The Broken Spoke was having a going out of business sale and bought a bike (more details to come) but it's the next day now, and I'm sore in places that don't really enjoy this type of pain - i believe it's called being saddle sore. I dunno about needing to name it anything, it just hurts to sit down.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Test Driving, uh Riding

Picked up this loaner bike from Julie today for my ride tomorrow with Forrest, Chester and Coady. We'll be riding somewhere in Chester's neighborhood...we'll see how I fare. Julie even joked with me today that there is a rule in cycling "rubber facing down, on the road."

I'm Lemony Yours

I found this mucho fascinating find awhile back in one of my cooking magazines...I want to say it was Cooking Light but I can't be sure anymore, it was so long ago. But it's dehydrated lemon juice crazy is that? I need to find this, buy this and then start using takes up much less room and a big jar of lemon juice and is non perishable compared to an actual lemon.

My Dream Laptop Bag

EUREKA! I HAVE FOUND IT!!! At long last I have FINALLY found my (potentially) new laptop bag. My new laptop is super cute and super small so I no longer needed the beast of a Dell laptop carrier that I used to carry. Insead I want something that can fit my laptop and my purse for when I travel...having it be super cute doesn't hurt either. So I spied this tote at Nordstrom's in San Francisco last weekend while putzing around Union Square with Susan. I deem this bag perfect - it will not only fit my laptop, but also my purse and still has room for a few other things like assorted cords, makeup, book and magnum of champagne (just kidding). At just under $200 it is by far the most expensive laptop bag I've ever seen, but who cares? I mean, Louis Vittuon makes dog carriers.

My Friend's Mom

In September I'm on my way to help a friend to raise money for her mother's foundation. Caroline's mother passed away a few years ago abruptly from Ovarian Cancer and it's a cancer that is difficult to diagnose and is more often than not, terminal. I never met her mother, and only met Caroline when she moved out to CA for a brief time through work. However I can only imagine what a wonderful, warm and loving person she must have been because I've heard from so many people in Caroline's family how Caroline resembles her mother on many levels...and I know how great I think she is.

There is an annual memorial golf tournament in Mass...for more information visit the website so you can attend and play golf with me. Or to help in the cause of raising awareness about Ovarian Cancer, funding education and research please also visit the Judit Rose Shea Foundation or OCEAN at Mass General Hospital.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Who got the Mag Vag...

excerpt from my evening with Molly...we always come up with the funniest phrases...

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

My true nature - wear it with pride...

Pimpin...i'm soooooo buying this shirt off the Jason Mraz website...I think it's super cool for being a geek shirt. The ladies think that Jason Mraz resembles Forrest in this new video of his because he's wearing glasses....I'm going to have to go over there and investigate. I'll report back to confirm or deny.

Book Review: Sweet Caroline

Just finished this book the other day while riding the stationary bike at the gym. I think this book was another one of those Barnes & Noble bargain book finds...and well the Kennedy's are interesting...for being America's fabled "royalty" to having a seemingly unrelenting string of bad family luck, their story is interesting probably because it is the most public. There are some interesting things in this book as to how Jackie basically created the "Camelot" mystique around her family after her husband's murder and how that has been a large a burden as much as a remembrance. I'd recommend this, fast read...Entertaining and interesting to see how some of the practices of the previous decades would seem appalling to us now. Things like chain smoking while pregnant and wondering why your baby had respiratory problems or getting regular shots of amphetamines from the doctor when tired or sad.

Vote for Pedro

Team ligers vote for should you. I made everyone pose for a group photo, that's how much of a cheesy team mom I am. As Ben and Dobel used to say to me, "you're like a drunken soccer mom!"

Hiroko...lookin alive..she plays a mean 2nd base.

Sam ready to play....

Signts of NY

Random scultpure thingy while walking around town.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Happy Birthday Betty...Boop

Today is Betty Boop's 75th birthday. She stil looks pretty smokin hot for being the ripe old age of 75. I got emails from Hiroko and Forrest alerting me to this momentous in honor of Betty, happy birthday. I can only aspire to be as cool as she is when I'm 75. And good to know she's "coming back into style" because when did she go out of style?

Monday, August 08, 2005

Craigslist anxiety

I posted my beach cruiser on Craigslist today...trying to sell it. I got a whopping 20 responses and I think I'm going to give it to they buyer manana for $50. I hate selling things online, I am such a basket case right now with anxiety.....some stranger is going to come to my office tomorrow...

Sunday, August 07, 2005


I knowingly have a problem with sports equipment. I am addicted to sporting goods, sporting apparel and accessories. I could give a shit about the entire realm of clothing, jewelery, etc but when it comes to sporting goods? OH YES! I have a shopping-gasm. Learned last week that Sports Basement will be opening a store in Sunnyvale this fall...holy crap - that is f-ing awesome. I should get a part time job there because without fail, I will end up spending every last penny there on more crap I probably won't need.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Perils of Physical Activity

I try to be active and diversify my activities as much as possible, but I think I may be running out of time to actually support my participation in all these activities. For example, I have only gone surfing once this year...and I don't golf nearly as much as I would like because time is a constraint. But between the 24 hours that encompass Tuesday afternoon to Wednesday afternoon, I was able to swim 500 meters during lunch on tuesday, bike for an hour at the gym after work and then play 9 holes of golf early wednesday morning - needless to say, I was pooped wednesday night.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Funny Shirts

I want to post pictures...but I am not going to. I feel like that might not be appropriate for some reason..I don't know why. I actually don't want to be physically documented having said/posted/wearing these words. See for yourself...they are fucking hilarious though.

Golf: Sunken Gardens

Played some dawn patrol golf this morning with Corley and Jim...6:37 am tee time at Sunken Gardens. I was late - such bad form - by about 10 minutes...we finally got going at around 6:45 and met a gentleman named Walt as part of our foursome. Holy crap...I was late and sleepy for half of the course...and given that it's an executive course, that means I was out of it for most of the game...hahahaha. But for $11 bucks on a weekday, I think this may become at least a bi-weekly "conference/meeting" for 4 company employees.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Book Review: The Lemon Table

Just finished this book tonight. I'm not quite sure what to make of it. So it's a collection of stories about different people facing the ends of their lives and how they approach it...some are fine, some are fighting it and some are just down right pissed off. It's written kind of strange though, I'm not quite sure if I enjoyed was just plain wierd. It's not nearly as morbid as my description makes it's just strange. I didn't understand the reference to lemons, but during the last 3 pages of the book they talk about how in the chinese or japanese culture the lemon is a sign of this guy asks for lemons when he realizes it is his time - wow, not that deep or interesting.

Run Corporate America...RUN!

OMG - he's entering the workforce. All of you out there in corporate America be warned, Sam will now be joining the ranks of us cubicle jockeys / salary slaves complete with shirt and tie.

Inflated Expectations?

Article today on MSN talks about how much it sucks to be a girl, once again. Apparently we've been lied to all these years and we can't actually have it all...because if you have a family, your career will suffer but if you go full boar on your career, your ovaries will probably disappear before you realize you want procreate. Fabulous.

With all the advances of telecommuting, flexible hours, more women in the workplace, more girls attending college and graduate programs, how much has REALLY changed since our mother's or grandmother's generations? Fundamentally we're still living under the confines of biology. We must take time off when we give birth...and even stop flying around on business meetings months before we actually deliver. So are we really moving forward with the advancement of women? or are just adding more to a plate that has already been filled by biology?

In all the articles I have read about career women, etc..all it talks about is how will women be able to balance a career and family...but it doesn't say anything about how men's roles need to expand and change to balance a career and family. It appears to me that the male role is still primarily career focused and that's order to really have a family/career balance for anyone that works, I think both parents need to consider the family's options in balance.

Monday, August 01, 2005

San Jose Grand Prix

Sunday Forrest and I met up with Chester in downtown San Jose for the Inagural Grand Prix. I think it's pretty cool that something like this has finally come to San Jose. So I looked up some stuff on the web at it looks like Taylor Woodrow sponsored the San Jose leg of the Grand Prix...interesting, since Taylor Woodrow's regional CA office is based in Irvine. Next year, I'd like to see a local Bay Area company throw down the $$ to sponsor the race. Let's see...who's got that kind of corporate cash?? Intel, Google, Cisco..I dunno...

At the end of the race, tow trucks were carting off the remains of some of the cars...I think these guys probably crashed or something...wish I could have seen that.

The Cheap Seats - up inside the trees.
I had 2 general admission passes from work because we got a bunch for giveaways and had enough left over for most folks at the office to get 2 tickets. I was mis-informed because I thought this meant that there would be some sort of bleacher seating available for me to sit my butt down on to watch the race - instead that meant you were able to walk around and try to watch the race through the chain link fence. Next year, I'll be splurging for the nice assigned seating - because otherwise I may need to climb trees like these kids.

Super fast, super small cars. They had a Toyota Racing something-or-other section setup near the Almaden Blvd/Santa Clara Street entrance. There were some regular rice rockets as well as cars like these. Pretty interesting.