Monday, August 22, 2005

Movie Review: The 40 Year-Old Virgin

Watched the movie, 40 Year Old Virgin with Forrest on Saturday afternoon. This movie is friggin hilarious - it covers most racial stereotypes but is relatively light hearted in doing so...the main character Andy is not portrayed as a complete freak of nature but with qualities that we can see in everyone around us and in his still holding onto the V card doesn't really seem that absurd. After a few poorly executed makeout attempts, he just got too shy about it and decided to devote his time to hobbies. Regardless, it's super funny.

Key things to watch for:
  • Boner Jams 03
  • You know how I know you're gay?
  • there are more, but i can't remember them now

1 comment:

Malibu Betty said...

Got another one:
It's like a bag of sand...