Monday, September 25, 2006

Now Accepting Sponsosrships

Leave it to the Americans to take anything...and make it corporate. I passed by a few Love Parade floats on Saturday afternoon while headed to Union Square with Forrest for a little shopping.

Looking up the history of the Love Parade, Wikipedia says:
The Love Parade has its roots in the spirit of a changing Europe. In 1989, it was first celebrated 4 months before the demolition of the Berlin Wall. It was started by the fresh Berlin Underground under the initiative of Matthias Roeingh aka "Dr. Motte". It was held as a political demonstration for peace and international understanding through music.

If you read on, it does say that sponsors are allowed. Only if the sponsors are from a techno related field, such as clubs, labels or stores. As far as I am concerned...Scion does not fall into the category.

Another funny thing to see is the ageing candy raver. Many 30 and 40 somethings pulled up in their Honda Accords with their $1,000 Bugaboo strollers, checking in the mirror to make sure their glitter was expertly applied and their fur bra still in place.

I know I'm getting old when I heard the trucks and could only think one thing. "I wish they'd turn the sound down a bit."

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