Trisha just signed an offer from my company if I couldn't recruit her hard enough...jeez! so on Jan 22nd the madness will begin again - YAY. My team here jokes that now, they will get to meet my first minion.
this is going to be fun.
Friday, December 29, 2006
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Welcome Nadia

Friday, December 22, 2006
Happy Hiroko - three oh *updated picture*

In what will now be known as the month of 30 is Hiroko's march into a new decade of life. Being "the Eldest" we all felt that we needed to make the festivities as wonderful as possible in order to make leading the journey as pleasant as possible :) heehee
To wrap up the month-long list of activities we had...
- A joint birthday party with Andy on 12/ on Chesternet
- A happy hour event on her birthday eve at Santana Row as her "southbay birthday"
- Dinner at Perbacco on 12/20 (her actual birthday) with a big group of us DG's and SO's
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Tis the Season

Picture above is of a half eaten box of Shari's Berries. I remember Forrest's mom talking about these awhile back...and they really are that good - such a wonderful treat that I was forced to share because some berries were dipped in milk or dark chocolate..heehee
The evil empire really outdid themselves this year and gave me an Apple iPod Shuffle. I don't remember getting a gift from them last year but the shuffle is a nice touch, especially since I am pushing through a big budget line item for Google next year.
Our ad agency got pretty creative and sent a big bath set gift basket in a red leather gift basket container thingy. Maybe they think I smell - HAHAHAHA. It's funny because the mailroom guy stops by our cube, then we call everyone else over and we pick through all the items in the gift baskets and everyone goes home with a few things....
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Halloween Flashback
Santa Pyramid
Sunday, December 17, 2006
SFDC Holiday Party

Friday, December 15, 2006
Shoe Advertising?
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Moving Minions
So Trish just interviewed at my company. I have been recruiting her for months and have been pushing to get her interviewed literally since I started working there. FINALLY today she met with a few of my teammates and some interesting comments came up.
MGD (My gay Dan) starts off the interview by saying "So Betty and I have different management styles" Trish and I both read that as I am kind of a bitch at work. Not kind of...I am a demanding at work.
Trish later brought up her codename "Minion" and Dan seemed to balk at the term - I can see it now, MGD's eyes all wide, mouth open and hand on his chest saying "oh my goodness" or "jesus, mary and joseph" and turning bright red.
HAHA - good times
MGD (My gay Dan) starts off the interview by saying "So Betty and I have different management styles" Trish and I both read that as I am kind of a bitch at work. Not kind of...I am a demanding at work.
Trish later brought up her codename "Minion" and Dan seemed to balk at the term - I can see it now, MGD's eyes all wide, mouth open and hand on his chest saying "oh my goodness" or "jesus, mary and joseph" and turning bright red.
HAHA - good times
Monday, December 11, 2006
Friday, December 08, 2006
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Not So Promising
Interesting article on MSN about breadwinner wives and the potentially negative effects of being a successful woman. Apparently many women are bitter about being successful - HA! And to top that off, as much as female roles have progressed for women to excel in the workplace, the equal progression for men to excel in the home has not taken it's double duty for the ladies...huh, no wonder they're bitter.
Monday, December 04, 2006
Movie Review: Stranger than Fiction

Movie Review: Borat

"How's the back pussy?" is a favorite between some of my co-workers and I
"Great Success!" has been used in meetings
"Is this rice?" has been a good identifying question also used at work **
** this came from a collection of clips that did not make the cut - view them here
For the "cubicle lawn"

Recently, I learned that my beloved flamingos will never get a chance to be my lawn ornaments as they have been "discontinued" due to ass-holiness from the manufacturer. I cannot put into words how saddened I am about this...but lo and behold! Lookie at what I found at Barnes & Noble.
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Breakfast of Champions

Saturday, November 18, 2006
OCD Madness
Recently I procured a labeling machine. Watch out America - this could get ugly. I am sooooooo excited about organizing and labeling things...but I am afraid to open the box.
Local Celebrity Sighting
Yesterday I went to lunch at the Tibco cafeteria. Tibco Software is across the street from the building I work work and we also have some engineers in another neighboring building to Tibco in the same campus. Regardless, it's the nearest corporate cafeteria and it's not half bad - they use organic and sustainably farmed produce and meats.
Anyhoo - back to the sighting....I hear a voice behind me of a man saying "man, what do I want to eat for lunch today? hmmmmmmmmmm" I turn around and OH MY GOD! IT'S ROGER CRAIG!! I had read an article about Roger in Runner's World Mag awhile back talking about how he is now running marathons and he compares the training programs for marathons to football practices - very interesting article and he comes across as a really cool guy as well.
Back to my story: So I keep staring at Roger Craig in the cafeteria - THEN I get self councious that I may be confusing any large african american man with a football player so I try to see if he is wearing a company ID badge. He has one attached to his belt loop so as I stood in like to chicken tamales, I basically stared at Roger Craig's crotch in an attempt to read is employee badge...confirmed it was Roger Craig - super duper exciting for my friday lunch experience.
Anyhoo - back to the sighting....I hear a voice behind me of a man saying "man, what do I want to eat for lunch today? hmmmmmmmmmm" I turn around and OH MY GOD! IT'S ROGER CRAIG!! I had read an article about Roger in Runner's World Mag awhile back talking about how he is now running marathons and he compares the training programs for marathons to football practices - very interesting article and he comes across as a really cool guy as well.
Back to my story: So I keep staring at Roger Craig in the cafeteria - THEN I get self councious that I may be confusing any large african american man with a football player so I try to see if he is wearing a company ID badge. He has one attached to his belt loop so as I stood in like to chicken tamales, I basically stared at Roger Craig's crotch in an attempt to read is employee badge...confirmed it was Roger Craig - super duper exciting for my friday lunch experience.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Gemini Drinking Style
things my brother sends me while he's at "work"
GEMINI (May 21 - Jun 21)
Drinking style: Gemini's can drink without changing their behavior much-- they're so naturally chatty and short-attention-spanned that it's just hard to tell sometimes. They can amaze you by conversing with finesse and allusion, then doing something unbelievable in an extremely advanced state of intoxication, like puking in your shoe. Gemini's possess the magic ability to flirt successfully (and uninfuriatingly, which is very tricky) with several people at once. They like to order different cocktails every round -- repetition is boring -- and may create a theme (like yellow drinks: beer, sauvignon blanc and limoncello) for their own
GEMINI (May 21 - Jun 21)
Drinking style: Gemini's can drink without changing their behavior much-- they're so naturally chatty and short-attention-spanned that it's just hard to tell sometimes. They can amaze you by conversing with finesse and allusion, then doing something unbelievable in an extremely advanced state of intoxication, like puking in your shoe. Gemini's possess the magic ability to flirt successfully (and uninfuriatingly, which is very tricky) with several people at once. They like to order different cocktails every round -- repetition is boring -- and may create a theme (like yellow drinks: beer, sauvignon blanc and limoncello) for their own
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Congratulations Hollis!!!
Friday, November 10, 2006
Shrimp anyone?

Went to the Partner Day Party on Monday night at our conference held at "Hollywood and Highland" on the corner guessed it, Hollywood and Highland in LA. I don't particularly care for Los Angeles, but when it comes to going to bars or clubbing, it can be a fun town.
Back to the shrimp - after a few hours of milling about and socializing with the work crew, a small group of us headed over to the Grill for a bite to eat. I wasn't that hungry so I settled for a shrimp cocktail and soup. So my shrimp comes served in a dry ice smoke goblet -- nice effect.
Culinary Surprise in Downtown LA

Saturday, November 04, 2006
Friday, November 03, 2006

I think this was called Seafood Sampler or Gift of the sea or whatever - regardless it was an appetizer that served seafood 4 ways. There is a hamachi with grapefruit and fresh grated ginger, a monkfish liver, a tuna and something else. It was good - but I should have gotten something else because I basically had really expensive sushi.
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Housewares Inventory
When I moved back into my parents house 2 years ago, I gave a lot of things away. Recently I was looking for a few things like my flatware and couldn't find them. I can't remember if I gave them away or packed them up...geez, I knew I should have written down a list :)
My memory is not as shap as it used to be. I'm no spring chicken.
Can't wait to one day *sigh* finally move out of the parental casa and ses all my lovely housewares again.
My memory is not as shap as it used to be. I'm no spring chicken.
Can't wait to one day *sigh* finally move out of the parental casa and ses all my lovely housewares again.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
San Jose Rock & Roll Half Marathon

Andrew 1:34:04
Hollis 1:41:46
Linh 1:54:10
Betty 2:09:31
Forrest 2:27:45
Chester No time available
- I know Chester will have some comment or another for the use of "Andrew" but in cases like this where both are present, it is easier. And no, I don't think it's confusing or Chester would have you believe.
- Holy crap she is faster than most men out there! Hollis has been a training maniac these past few months in her quest to run the NYC marathon the first weekend in November at a super fast time to qualify for Boston - I think she has it in her...especially with times like that!
- Yo - what's with the sub 2 hour time from Linnie? She likes to say "I don't like to run fast" when she shows up to Tuesday Track workouts....but I know she's lying. With times like that...geez. FYI - Linh is thinking about running CIM in December so she can get that elusive marathon under her belt.
- Check that shit out! 2:09! That's 21 minutes FASTER than my Nike half marathon almost exactly one year ago!! Please excuse all the exclamation marks but I am REALLY EXCITED - I hope all the gain wasn't all due to the flat course...
- I think Andrew and I looked it up but Forrest came in 10th in his age bracket. AND there were only 2 runners in the next age bracket, really as long as he keeps running he could own his age group.
- No comment here except - did Chester really even run???? HMMMMMMMMMMM
Monday, October 09, 2006
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Company Fun Run
Last night we had a company 5K. It's a monthly occurance that's more of a fun run and an opportunity to score some company swag. Being in marketing, I have access to an abundant supply of company logo'ed merchandise. You name it, we've probably put a log on it and have given it away.
But I digress...the purpose of this post was to highlight the fact that I am apparently getting faster in my running.
I ran the 5K in 28 minutes flat. That's a 9:03 minute mile.
the whole time I was not feeling so strong so all I could think about was how unprepared I felt for the half marathon. Meanwhile I only felt like shit because I was running to friggin fast for my own good. I swear it must be the Tuesday night speed training sessions.
But I digress...the purpose of this post was to highlight the fact that I am apparently getting faster in my running.
I ran the 5K in 28 minutes flat. That's a 9:03 minute mile.
the whole time I was not feeling so strong so all I could think about was how unprepared I felt for the half marathon. Meanwhile I only felt like shit because I was running to friggin fast for my own good. I swear it must be the Tuesday night speed training sessions.
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Bridge to Bridge

I am pretty excited about my pace - I'm getting faster.
1 hour 16 minutes total (9:35 average)
Per mile times
1 = 9:17
2 = 9:40
3 = 9:41
4 = 9:22
5 = 9:22
6 = 9:13
7 = 10:00
I don't know where this whole 9 minute business is coming from but it's kinda crazy. I felt pretty good too - I feel like I could have run faster, but my legs started to give out after mile 6, hence the slow down.
The best part of this run??? 20% off coupons for Sportsbasement. Forrest and I hit up the Mission Bay one later in the afternoon and came home with lots of jackets....
Friday Night at SJ Civic Auditorium

OMG - this guy is funny. The jokes...ha! So many off-color remarks that even I can't repeat them and that's saying a lot. There were some political rants that went from funny to a little too serious but thank goodness he brought it back to being funny again - whew!
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
My legs hurt
Yesterday I got ambitious and decided to try "hill training" at The Dish (bad idea)
Still in pain I went to the Tuesday Night Pac West speed training at Stanford.
2 lap warm up
then the workout builds with sprints like this
1 lap - 2 laps - 3 laps - 4 laps - 4 laps - 3 laps - 2 laps - 1 lap
We get little rests in between sets but it's like 20 to 30 seconds really. Apparently I can sprint a mile at 8:30...HA! We'll see if I can walk tomorrow.
Still in pain I went to the Tuesday Night Pac West speed training at Stanford.
2 lap warm up
then the workout builds with sprints like this
1 lap - 2 laps - 3 laps - 4 laps - 4 laps - 3 laps - 2 laps - 1 lap
We get little rests in between sets but it's like 20 to 30 seconds really. Apparently I can sprint a mile at 8:30...HA! We'll see if I can walk tomorrow.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Now Accepting Sponsosrships

Looking up the history of the Love Parade, Wikipedia says:
The Love Parade has its roots in the spirit of a changing Europe. In 1989, it was first celebrated 4 months before the demolition of the Berlin Wall. It was started by the fresh Berlin Underground under the initiative of Matthias Roeingh aka "Dr. Motte". It was held as a political demonstration for peace and international understanding through music.
If you read on, it does say that sponsors are allowed. Only if the sponsors are from a techno related field, such as clubs, labels or stores. As far as I am concerned...Scion does not fall into the category.
Another funny thing to see is the ageing candy raver. Many 30 and 40 somethings pulled up in their Honda Accords with their $1,000 Bugaboo strollers, checking in the mirror to make sure their glitter was expertly applied and their fur bra still in place.
I know I'm getting old when I heard the trucks and could only think one thing. "I wish they'd turn the sound down a bit."
Sunday at Angel Island

On Sunday Forrest and I headed out to Angel Island to go hiking/running and to take advantage of the fact that Forrest is now liberated from his all weekend work schedule. Overall it wasn't too complicated but we tried and failed on Saturday so it was amazing that we actually made it onto the island.
I was surprised to learn the rather interesting history of the island. It had served as a quarantine facility for smallpox and various other contagious diseases prior to medical advances... then it was an immigration processing facility - mainly for asian immigrants...but unlike Ellis Island, it kept some of its entrants for years before they allowed them into California. After all this, Angel Island served a stint for the military....
Regardless, it was a pretty place to hang out with some good trails - nice enough for a 3 hour hike.
Alcatraz & the city
Immigration Station

I am hoping for a return trip soon because there is so much more of the island and all of its historic things that I didn't get to check out.
Cannons and Guns

View from above the cove
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Movie Review: Little Miss Sunshine

The premise sounds a little, bland...oooo family roadtrip, how original. But the backstory on each character and their interactions with each other make this movie funny, sad and heartwarming in the end. The grandpa is my favorite character in this movie...I guess old people can either be crochety, sweet...or turn out like this guy.
Dreaming of a 9 to 5
On Friday I hired someone to help support my piece of online world domination. My domain consists of webinars, integrated media placements (advertising), email marketing, search engine marketing (giving google money) and product launch (as it pertains to marketing programs deliverables).
So I tend to be a workaholic anyways... and this job has no shortage of things to do... so needless to say, it's 2 bad habits converging into one massively long workday - followed up with a short stint at home catching up on email. I am averaging about 100 emails in and out per day - I can type REALLY fast now :)
So back to my new minion... I am hoping she can come on board and help me reach my lofty goal of working one less hour a day, each day. She starts mid October so we'll see.....
So I tend to be a workaholic anyways... and this job has no shortage of things to do... so needless to say, it's 2 bad habits converging into one massively long workday - followed up with a short stint at home catching up on email. I am averaging about 100 emails in and out per day - I can type REALLY fast now :)
So back to my new minion... I am hoping she can come on board and help me reach my lofty goal of working one less hour a day, each day. She starts mid October so we'll see.....
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Niners Opening Day

Halftime Show

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