Friday, June 15, 2007

Good Bye Jensine

On Wednesday June 16th , Lazlo (pictured left) gave me a call to forward the news that our friend Jensine (pictured right) passed away. Jensine had been battling ovarian cancer for the last year and more recently has been having GI complications during her post cancer recovery. I'm not sure quite how I feel about this...I am sad and will miss Jensine, but I haven't seen her since just before she got sick so in some strange way, I can't believe she's dead. The picture above is a skeletal picture of my former friend. If it weren't for that bright smile, she's almost unrecognizable.

I have spent many years hanging out with Jensine & company at the Duke of Edinburgh down in Santa Clara...back when I used to live behind the Costentino's. I remember how all of us girls started "makeover mondays" out on the patio...spending hours painting our nails while confused English men stared at must have been quite a sight at a pub. The only new year's eve party at Sushimania was spent with Jensine, Anthony and Vinny. There are many more stories I can share, but no need to - just a sad goodbye to Jensine and a pang of guilt wishing I had known sooner so I could have stopped by to give her a hug.

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