Sunday, June 12, 2011

My garden is awesome

A whole huge bowl of golden swiss chard for dinner to accompany some fried chicken thighs - mm mm good and good for you too!

Small planter box with assorted heads of lettuce and arugula (which grows like a weed!) and a variety of herbs to season the good stuff.

The big planter box has so far gone untouched by local varmits = THANK YOU! and I'm not really sure why. The only thing I can think of is that there are maybe more dogs in our neighborhood now so maybe it's too much of a bother for them OR they don't like what I planted...but it's a good thing we like it.

Above from left to right.. Carrots and radishes are the small sprouts. Swiss chard, russian kale and red cabbage...I started some chiogga beets in the front so we'll see if they take. In a separate pot I just put in some green beans so I just can't wait. In another pot I started some radiccio because apparently bitter lettuce type things now sound good to me because my taste buds and I are getting old.

Below: up close and personal with some beautiful russian kale. I've been chopping into slivers, sauteing in olive oil and garlic then mixing into spaghetti lately = DELICIOUS!

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