Wednesday, April 11, 2012


The question is...what the hell is happening in the bathroom that we even NEED a sign like this? Never mind that this is posted in a corporate bathroom!!! Not a random bathroom in a park or something. Our corporate bathroom in our New York a secure building!
Gross - just gross! Aren't we all adults here?


Chester said...

Apparently, for a lot of people, being an adult does not include not being an asshole and pretending as if one doesn't have responsibility to others if there's no way to hold one to responsibilities.

Which is to say, there's a lot of assholes who will make a big mess if they don't have to clean it up and if nobody knows that it was them who did it.

So, you said...children.

Chelsea said...

whats gross is that this also happens in my office. WTF people!?!?!?!

SarahMKB said...

My husband has told me of 'events' in the mens restroom. The main question, is how does one miss the toilet entirely. A number two. No really. How????

Betty said...

I know! Who knew it was such a problem amongst ADULTS!!! I mean...for Donut and her friends - I totally understand because some of them still poop their pants...but adults?

F-ing gross