Tuesday, May 15, 2007

No more running!

FOOEY! I quit!

Just kidding...I am actually only taking 2 weeks off running as my knee has decided to be a pain in, well, my leg - lol. It is unfortunate but if I sit down for too long, my right knee will cramp up and basically get "stuck." It is then painful to straighten it out and almost 'creaky' when I try to move/use it.

Some suggestions have been that I have Baker's cyst and will need to get my knee drained (gross) and others are that I have a soft tissue injury from over use (sounds less gross). Nonetheless, my decided mode of recovery has been to spend more time sitting on my bony ass (trying to gain some weight) and getting back to all those things I ignored during marathon training (my life).

Although if anyone has some insight into my knee pain that would be super-fabu

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