Sunday, June 01, 2008

Aging Gracefully

This picture is about 3 years old...but I apparently don't have that many recent pictures of myself, instead I have loads and loads of pictures...of food, particularly pastries.
So yesterday I celebrated another birthday, meaning I am now at the ripe old age of 31. I am officially in my 30's now. No more raging parties, late nights or even shots....Thank Goodness as in my old age it is getting harder and harder to get up in the Have a great rest of the weekend you'all.

1 comment:

"Tae's Mom" said...

I am a horrible friend. Happy belated birthday. I swear I knew about it at the beginning of the month... and then my dementia set in. YIKES! BTW- you were in your thirties last year, don't kid yourself! Lots of love! (I swear I am not yelling at you!)