Monday, February 16, 2009

Weekend project :)

Thank Jeebus for three day weekends! This weekend was President's Day so that meant the office was closed on Monday - WOOT WOOT. So with that extra day at home, we putzed around and got a few home organization projects out of the way... I also got to start work on the Donut's room.

It was really important to me to make something for the I decided on the quilt and crib bumper. After conferring with the hubbs, I went out and picked up some plain fabric in bright green, yellow and pink...then looked for a print that all those colors as well. The best part is with our "donut theme" I was even able to find a print that had circles and rings on it.

Three more months to go....


"Tae's Mom" said...


Malibu Betty said...

thanks dude - thank goodness for three day weekends for projects like these :)