Sunday, June 21, 2009

Things I'm not getting enough of.....

  1. Sushi
  2. Oysters
  3. Drinks
  4. Exercise
And why is that?

Items 1-3 can be explained by pregnancy. You get so used to not having those things for a year that once the ban is forget to seek it out. It has literally been deprogrammed from your internal menu - so sad. I must be more diligent in ordering this stuff more regularly.

Exercise. I actually had a dream about running last night. Who knew that I would miss running so much? Well, my post baby gut misses running...hahahaha. But this coming week I head to my ob/gyn for the post partum check up and hopefully I'll be cleared for exercise so I can hit the gym or go on jogs to take advantage of this beautiful weather we've been having in the city lately!

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