Thursday, June 29, 2006

One Game Away

That's what Adam says...that we're one game away from #1.

Today was a memorable day in National Semiconductor softball history because our team beat the undefeated softball giants..heh heh. So the deal is that they were undefeated this season...and every previous season we had lost to them with great misery.

But tonight we won...we won 11 to 6 - that's friggin insane! As Adam elequently put it..."I think we scored more tonight than we have collectively in all the games we've played against them"

Now if I could only remember the name of the team we played tonight...

Arg - also a good bye to Sean "Christmas Tree", Casey and Donger (only part time)...3 guys from Sam's office that are all moveing so will no longer be on the team.

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