Thursday, February 02, 2006

Naturally Yum Yum

Basically dried fruit, packed into a rectangular shape. Anyone who's feeling like they're missing out on some fruity fiber, here you go...these are from Sportsbasement. They are either pear or apple based and have 3 ingredients...pear/apple puree, pear/apple juice, other fruit. It's like those kiddie fruit snacks only better for you and without ingredients that have more than 4 syllables.


Malibu Betty said...

I can see that. But I really enjoyed them...then again, I really like fruit. It's definately not a cracker substitute.

With as much cardio as you're doing these days, it's ok to eat regular crackers. Cliff Bars are the way to go.

Malibu Betty said...

Hmmm.. I think I prefer the apple based ones better than the pear based ones.