Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I always thought I'd be a certain kind of mom....

And I still do, but I am surprised at my own reactions sometimes.

For example. I am not a clingy person and was pretty clear from the beginning that we would never have a family bed where all the kids sleep in the same bed with the parents and that Donut would move to her room relatively quickly so that parents can get decent sleep especially when Forrest goes back to work.

So - to date, we have never slept in the same bed with Donut. I think I would have too much anxiety about accidentally rolling onto the baby, that I couldn't do it. But we have had Donut in her stroller bassinet sleeping in our room so that it would be more convenient to do the wee hour feedings.

Two nights ago we adjusted some furniture in our room so Donut was sleeping near Forrest's side of the bed and I had separation anxiety. I even tried proposing to Forrest that we switch sides so I could be closer to Donut. HA

Last night we moved Donut into her room and she slept in her crib. I had a hard time sleeping last night too...we had the door open and the baby monitor on and I still woke up literally every hour or so with anxiety. Of course, Donut was totally fine and slept peacefully...only to wake up once at 3am for a feeding and diaper change.

Who knew - I would have such separation anxiety from the Donut when she's only 20 feet away?

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