Wednesday, May 20, 2009

My boob overfloweth

In leading up to the birth of our baby, Forrest and I tried to be prepared for all contingencies by being flexible with our plans. For Example, we bought a few different types of diapers...had formula and breast feeding supplies on hand because you just never know if things will work the way you want them to. Especially with breastfeeding, I was preparing myself for any outcome as I had heard more stories about the difficulties as compared to it's joys.

That said, having a c section also adds a layer of complexity to this. Because the body isn't going through labor some of the hormones and body processes that happen during a vaginal birth, doesn't happen so oftentimes it makes it harder for c section mommies to nurse right away. So with the chips stacked against me, I just expected to supplement from the get go...

The baby came on Friday...and my milk came in on Sunday - about a whole 3 days before the doctors/nurses expected it would. Even the lactation consultant didn't believe me. And now, my boob runneth like a lot - I'm not quite sure what to do. Donut basically chokes while nursing because there is too much milk...hmmm And to make things more uncomfortable for me, my left boob is about 2 cup sizes bigger than my right boob...ha! I am constantly going through nursing pads like it's going out of style and filling up the nursing shells until they reach the vents and soak through my shirt. I am really hoping this levels out to Donut's consumption levels soon so I can leave the house without feeling like my chest is going to explode. Apparently there is so much and it flows so quickly that the pediatrician has actually told me that I can feed Donut less...

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