Monday, May 04, 2009

Maternity Leave Day 1

Today I start my leave....I have one week off to just putz around the house, catch up on things and take some long awaited mid day naps before our scheduled c section on May 12th.

So far it's Monday morning 10:32 am and I have gone swimming, made and eaten breakfast, blogged and surfed the web. What else to do? I've been up since about 6 am and won't be ready for a nap until at least around 2 pm.... I am physically incapable of sleeping in at this point in my pregnancy.

I guess I could go to the nursery and buy some replacement herbs for the ones I killed recently. Or I could sit here in front of my computer all day, surfing the it's like I'm still at work - ha! This may take a little getting used to.


"Tae's Mom" said...

enjoy your week. i had two weeks off... i think. i can't think that far back.

Malibu Betty said...

Good thing I took that week, because originally I wasn't planning on it...and we ended up having the baby at the end of that week - whew!

it was so good to see you! next time we'll make it a playdate for Tae and Heidi.