Monday, September 05, 2005

Book Review: Blink

Just finished Blink by Malcolm Gladwell this morning. I liked the book, it was interesting...all about how in basically the blink of an eye, you would have made a judgement on something, someone, anything ...meaning that your first impression is probably 1. the most lasting impression and 2. the right impression.... However there are some caveats to this, like in times in extreme stress where your heart rate is over 170, you start to lose the power of this cognitive something-or-other and make very poor decisions because your body starts to shut down. There is however a correlation between 115-150 heart rate activity being the most heightened state of alertness and focus...where the hollywood movie efeects of slow motion, tunnel vision and dimished hearing capacity of white noise happens...muy interesante.

He references quite a few other books and studies about human behavior, communication methods and facial expressions that I am finding, there you go, more books for my Amazon list...sheesh

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