Thursday, September 29, 2005


Last night I went running out on the Los Gatos Creek Trail to do a 6 miler...started out at the Campbell park and ran to Lark Avenue then turned around. I just realized that summer is officially over - it was dark by the time I got to Lark Ave and had to run back in the dark...not so fun.

Sam hurt his hamstring last week at softball so he decided to try out my road bike on the trail and basically be my "support vehicle" for the next hour. You know that scene in Tommy Boy where Chris Farley puts on David Spade's jacket and sings that song "fat guy in a little coat" LOL well, Sam looked like a fat guy on a skinny bike. Anyone who's met my brother knows he's not fat, just kinda beefy from working out so much - so looking at him with his wide ass shoulders sitting on such a skinny bike was hilarious - meanwhile trying to pedal on my clipless pedals with regular running shoes.

Post workout - I felt the need to eat a more healthful meal after the day's ravishing - so we headed off to Sushimania...need I say more?

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