I started and finished this book on the plane this weekend. And I've decided that THIS may be too much running. I can sort of understand a marathon...there's a sense of achievement tied to it that's common amongst our culture. I only aspire to achieve half goals, hence I am only running a half marathon. This guy uses marathons as a warm up!!! He regularly runs 100+ miles at a time. Apparently running is what fuels him...and if that's the case - homie, knock yourself out. It's a pretty amazing story about self realization....but I self realized myself to a bag of potato chips when reading this.
This guy was on Stern and apparently he's only been with one woman; his wife.
yup. he met his wife julie in high school and they've been together ever since....
you should see the list on the back page of the book that talks about what he eats during The Relay...it's insane. He runs and eats a large pizza, cheesecake and coffee.
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