As part of the "SAVE BETTY'S BUTT" campaign...I purchased a
new saddle for my bike today. Last week, Forrest got me some new spandex complete with super-chamois...I was a dumbass and bought spinning shorts on my first trip and my ass has been paying for it ever since (literally). So today I had a 2pm bike fitting at The Bicycle Outfitters where they adjust this thing and that thing to make sure the angles of this part or that part are correct. What was deduced from the appt was that the saddle that came with my bike was made for men...and not hitting my hipbones correctly - therefore the excruciating pain.
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Hurricane Katrina concert and coverage: What's on tonight
The US Open continues on USA at 7pm. At 8, NBC, MSNBC, and CNBC will air A Concert For Hurricane Relief, with Harry Connick, Jr., Wynton Marsalis, Tim McGraw, Leonardo DiCaprio, and other celebrities.
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apparently i am being searched via blogger....f*%k! how do i stop this madness
Thanks Chester...I have enabled the word verification...although I haven't figured out how to delete the comments yet...I'll get to it eventually.
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