Wednesday, November 02, 2005

12 Step Program...Is there a book for that?

I have a problem. I have a SERIOUS problem.

I can't get enough to read. My eyeballs need to scan words like a crack whore needs a fix. It's getting out of hand. I am literally addicted to reading material.

I am reading multiple books a week. Magazines are like teasers...only agigtating me for more content. Magazines to me is like an alcoholic drinking non-alcoholic beer. It's insulting because we're not fooled that it's not the real thing.


There could be worse addictions out there, but this can be quite a costly one too. Every business trip I go on, I mow through at least 1 book per flight and 2 magazines. I would get more books, but I run out of cargo space and well, books get heavy. I am constantly in search of smaller margins and font - the denser the better because then maybe...JUST MAYBE...I can carry only one book and slowy chug through that. I read on the train...and in 45 minutes, I can read almost half of a chick lit book and at least 3-4 chapters of a more serious book.

Oh well, back to my Amazon book list in search of my next fix....cuz it feels so goooooood...


Malibu Betty said...

That would eliminate the joy of getting packages in the mail. Really what I do need is Netflix for books....or basically an online version of a public library - I would pay for that service.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should get some books on tape now that you won't be traveling as much. As you run those long distances you can listen to a book...

Malibu Betty said...

Caroline - I have considered getting books on tape so I can spend my running/cycling time listening to super educational stuff and saving my eyeballs forthe super exciting stuff.

Chester - It is not retarde that enjoy the act of purchasing a book. The books I really like, I prefer to own and read again every now and again. I need a "rent to own" type of literary scenario...AND I don't really like to use used things in general