Monday, November 14, 2005

Launch Successful

Just wrapped up my first day at my new gig...and I loved it. Had the full corporate orientation and everything! They gave me a super hot little Dell laptop complete with docking station because the work laptop is actually smaller than my current personal laptop, if you can imagine. I get my badge this week - how super exciting is THAT?!?! I've NEVER had a company badge before!

So spent the second half of the day getting booted up and all settled with my computer system. Had a short preliminary meeting with my manager about what I'd be doing and it sounds good...and by the end of the day, I had already scheduled 5 meetings for this week - way to hit the ground running.


Anonymous said...

With traffic the way it is I may just bike to Caltrain in Santa Clara and then bike from the PA station over to Page Mill Road to the office. Although we do have a shuttle.

Apparently I learned that there is a large contingent of cyclists, runners and triathletes at the company - makes sense with all the great trails in the immediate area

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for Corporate Betty! I think that your job sounds amazing!! Nice job:)