Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Foie please...

Went to Todd English's Tuscany last night with Trish for a little snack after the work reception at Jasper White's Summer Shack.

I have no idea who Jasper White is, but I have heard of Todd English....and that man makes a mean foie plate. The following items appeared on my plate:
  • Seared Foie Gras
  • Fig Chutney or Preserves type of thing
  • Honey...still in the HONEYCOMB! This was super cool
  • Slab of Foie pate
  • Goat Blue Cheese...texture was like regular goat...only with blue veins
  • Some sort of sprouts
The honeycomb honey was amazing...Molly - you would have loved this. It was super sweet but not in a sickeng sort of way, a very concentrated honey flavor but you would even taste the woods - something herbal or very "outside" type of flavor in the honey. It was really cool to push down on the wax honeycomb and watch the honey ooze out.


Anonymous said...

Jasper White is a famous chef from beantown just like Todd English but not as hot.

Malibu Betty said...

Ah, you are mistaken my friend because there is no driving happening in between the meal and the hotel/'s all in one place. Literally it's like Vegas.