Craig emailed us runners of the Sunday's Franklin Templeton race results...I think it's funny that he's no longer Craig, but Cla. Regardless, here are the results
Place Name Time Pace
12 Cla 44:01 7:05
45 Forrest 51:45 8:19
104 Betty 1:02:08 9:59
Cla actually came in 10th in the Men's overall..but within our respective age/gender braket (20-34) we came in...
Betty - 22 out of 35
Cla - 4 out of 25
Forrest - 10 out of 25 *
* Forrest ran an additional lap around the Bay Meadows track therefore adding another mile to his total race distance, that explains the longer than expected time - the race course was lame and totally disorganized.
Lil Fofo was robbed!!!
really, tell me about it. the guy gave him incorrect directions...the race was fun and all, but the course was totally disorganized.
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