Sunday, August 09, 2009

Movie Review: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

I cannot believe I have been able to go to 2 whole movies since we've had a baby! Shoot I don't care if we watch infomercials as long as I can get out alone or with the hubbs for an hour or so. Don't get me wrong, I love Donut and being a mama.....but getting out of the house without having to lug around the copious amounts of baby gear and being able to sit in a quiet movie theater uninterrupted is pretty rad.

How was the actual movie you say?

Pretty good I say. Very entertaining as all the HP movies have been....and lots of teenage angst in this one - goodness these kids are getting quite mature these days. It had been a long time since I had read the book so I couldn't remember when certain critical scenes were supposed to happen... Chester can bag on me all he wants for my taste in movies, but I was thoroughly entertained for almost 3 hours for $10 so I can't complain.

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