Saturday, August 29, 2009

At long last (updated from previous solitary confinement post)

So awhile back I posted about being super duper lonely and feeling isolated as a new mommy. Well, finally after all these months I think I am making some new friends that are mommies! I have even met some Korean mamas - this is very exciting as it increases the circle of people that I can go eat super pungent Korean food with mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. And I joined a babysitting co-op and have met some really cool mamas that we've hung out with outside of just the meet ups...I just wish we had met sooner :) It's nice to have that support system when you're in the first few months and confused on what's going on to have those people to compare notes with and realize that you're not doing anything wrong, everything strange is actually totally normal and will get a little easier tomorrow.

It is not easy though...oy vay - I spent months reaching out to every mom I met...went to a bunch of new parent groups and really just tried to approach anyone... and you know, you chat for a bit then spend a few days wondering if these people like you or if they think you're lame. It was worse than high school could ever be. Imagine the terror of junior high or high school...the judgement of your peers and just the need to feel included. This experience brought up every horrifying insecurity that I haven't felt in decades to the forefront and even caused nightmares. And it was so disorienting because it had been so long that it was almost more terrifying.

As an adult, I can personally deal with rejection and really for the most part I don't care what people think of me (I am shamelessly and unapologetically opinionated) but I didn't want Donut to be is important for me to cultivate new relationships so she can meet kids that may become her first friends.

Goodness gracious, more of my friends in the city need to birth some babies! Ladies...can we work together on this please? heehee

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