Friday, August 07, 2009

To work or not to work....

So we finally hired a nanny! Just as I am closing in on the last few weeks of maternity leave. I am so glad to be done interviewing nannies, the shit is just cuh-razy...WAY harder and more anxiety ridden that dating.

but the larger question work or not to work?

Interestingly enough I live mere steps away from a neighborhood where mommas don't work AND still have full time nannies and live in single family homes... I am still trying to unravel the mystery of how people are able to afford that given the cost of living in SF...but Hollis and I surmised it must be inherited $$ because who makes that kinda scratch when the homes in Pac / Presidio Heights are in the tens of millions of dollars?

So I have met a lot of working and stay at home mommies during my quest to meet new people but have yet to ask "how did you decide to do what you do?"

At this point, I am REALLY excited about going back to work. The prospect of spending 8-9 hours a day working on projects with a boss that doesn't cry or need to be fed every 3 hours sounds AMAZING. Going to grad a coffee or lunch whenever I want without having to spend 30 minutes loading the car sounds like a dream to me. I LOVE DONUT - but at this time I do miss my own Betty things...not just mommy stuff.

Who knows? I may go back to work and hate every minute of it.... at which point Forrest and I will have to sit down and see what is feasible. But I'll never know until I try it out... Right now I am dying to talk about anything else besides diapers and spit up...and software features, technology trends, industry analyst reports, sales bookings, revenue and budgets sound so interesting but we'll see.

And in facing this change in my life, I am so thankful for all the women before me who fought for the right to vote, go to work, were the first to go to college, burned bras, moved to remote farms, lived off the grid in yurts and god knows whatever else because they have paved the way for me to be able to choose exactly the path I want and that is the best for my family without judgment.


mary said...

hi! on my way over from kimchi mamas. =)

i am a working mom because 1. we need the money and 2. i would be a really bad stay at home mom and 3. i like working and being intellectually stimulated.

the only bad thing is that my baby is probably not as well taken care of.. my first, my mom took care of so he was good until he went to daycare.. but my second will go to daycare when he's about 5 months old... i don't think we can afford a nanny.

Betty said...

Hi Mary - welcome to the site!

I think my ideal situation would be to work part 3 days a week full days or 9-3 M-F...

I definitely need the intellectual scrabble game is down to 3 and 4 letter words only these days... I realize that being a mom is just a part of who I being a wife, friend, daughter and a woman. So I need to find a way to make time for all of those parts of me.

And tell me about the nanny rates...if there were more infant day cares in San Francisco then I would totally be down with that, but the wait lists on those last years and by that time she'd probably be going to pre-school... nanny share is the way to go.

"Tae's Mom" said...

Hi Betty-
Whatever you decide, it is going to be okay. But that is easy for me to say since I work three days a week from 8:30- 3:00. Tae goes to a home day care and he is happy. I see many of Tae's friends at all the local handouts with their nannies and they are happy too.
Good luck!

Malibu Betty said...

Soo - I would LOVE your schedule...I think that is my ideal situation but I don't think my current job would work like that.