Monday, August 08, 2005

Craigslist anxiety

I posted my beach cruiser on Craigslist today...trying to sell it. I got a whopping 20 responses and I think I'm going to give it to they buyer manana for $50. I hate selling things online, I am such a basket case right now with anxiety.....some stranger is going to come to my office tomorrow...


Anonymous said...

Selling items on Craigslist has always worked out well for me. Everyone has always been very reasonable and prompt. I am sure the bike has found a good home. Fo

Anonymous said...

I tried to sell a computer on Craigslist before...Molly and Chester were there...they can recount for you how much of a retard I was about it...I think I sweat 12 gallons that evening.

So today at 4pm is when the purchaser will be by for the bike.

Anonymous said...

And like the computer, you could have avoided all of that anxiety by just selling it to me. My mom is dying for a cruiser. If the buyer is weird, call me.