Monday, August 29, 2005

Jumping in with both feet

Feet that are clipped into pedals while climbing like a mofo and trying not to vomit all over myself. On Saturday I went cycling with Forrest, Chester, Chris and Coady...We met over at Chester's casa and went on the Calaveras Loop. I am happy to have such a supportive group of people to cycle with who encourage me to keep going and etc etc...But I dunno if I can keep up...

If you look at Chester's post about Calaveras Loop, it's a doozy in the beginning and I almost vomited upon finishing the initial 1.5 hour climb.....After having to walk my bike up the last insanely steep portion. I later motored to the best of my ability (being new to cycling and all) but was only able to make it just past Mission San Jose. I had stopped sweating and every part of my body was now aching - we had also been riding for 3 hours. Feeling totally defeated, I told Forrest that I HAD to stop cycling..And proceeded to slump down next to a palm tree. I don't know if it was the shame or the fatigue, but the breathing was a bit shallow and I couldn't really speak at a volume much higher than a whisper. Forrest then trekked it down to the corner gas station and picked up some Gatorade and a liter of water....I then pounded fluids in a mad dash for hydration.

I'm ready to ride fact I am excited about riding again...and eventually being able to effectively conquer the Calaveras Loop at a later time. As soon as my legs stop aching.

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