Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Inflated Expectations?

Article today on MSN talks about how much it sucks to be a girl, once again. Apparently we've been lied to all these years and we can't actually have it all...because if you have a family, your career will suffer but if you go full boar on your career, your ovaries will probably disappear before you realize you want procreate. Fabulous.

With all the advances of telecommuting, flexible hours, more women in the workplace, more girls attending college and graduate programs, how much has REALLY changed since our mother's or grandmother's generations? Fundamentally we're still living under the confines of biology. We must take time off when we give birth...and even stop flying around on business meetings months before we actually deliver. So are we really moving forward with the advancement of women? or are just adding more to a plate that has already been filled by biology?

In all the articles I have read about career women, etc..all it talks about is how will women be able to balance a career and family...but it doesn't say anything about how men's roles need to expand and change to balance a career and family. It appears to me that the male role is still primarily career focused and that's it...in order to really have a family/career balance for anyone that works, I think both parents need to consider the family's options in balance.

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