Friday, April 29, 2005

Drunken Fixation

I am pretty hung over today...and tired. It is becomming glaringly obvious that I must choose between raging and working out. Lately I've been training for Bay to Breakers so I've been running a TON compared to my previously sedentary life....all this running leaves less time for partying and especially drinking. AM runs on the weekends with Forrest also make boozing late on weekend nights a little different....Don't get me wrong, I am really starting to get into all this fitness stuff....but I need to re-adjust my alcohol barometer...because when I do go out, I still drink as much as I used to, and I end up feeling like a ginormous pile of shit the next day and with a vague recollection of any embarrasing things I may have said...

For instance, I remember that I was scolding Sam's rugby coach at one point for previously saying that he couldn't show up to the banquet...and we had moved the start time to accomodate his schedule. Apparently I am a psycho drunken soccer mom...

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