Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Book Review: Lucky

Just finished Lucky by Alice Sebold today while getting my hair done. This author also wrote The Lovely Bones which I read sometime last year. Um, I don't know where to start except that I may need to migrate to some chick lit books for awhile because I am borderline depressed. This book is a memoir of Alice's brutal rape when she was a freshman at Syracuse and her journey following. It's written in a very descriptive a straight forward manner that makes you feel like you're there. An amazing story because Alice copes by charging through with an investigation/conviction of her attacker while her friend who is raped goes the opposite direction, choosing to ignore and move on with life and the inevitable divide it creates. I read the book in 2 days primarily because it is such a painful story to read that I needed to get it over with as soon as possible. Not painful in a poorly written book sort of way, but written so amazingly that it basically made me angry/sad/terrified all at the same time and maybe if I hurried up and finished it, I would feel better. If you dare read this book, I've got it to loan out.


Anonymous said...

Bring it on!

Malibu Betty said...

it's all yours when i'm back in town.