Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Throne of Seafood Worship

Went to dinner at Legal SeaFoods on Tuesday night upon our collective arrival to Boston, MA. This lovely mass of crustecean is aptly called "Lobster Bake." If anyone has been to a real New England Clam Bake...this is what you get...and it's fucking great. A 1.5 pound lobster with mussels, steamer clams, corn on the cob, drawn butter and a little bowl of water to wash your clams in before you eat them. We initally started off with half dozen oysters and I had champagne...holy crap! I almost forgot...there was also a cup of clam chowda included.

I love all things midwest and have a strange affinity for things like big trucks, men of the corn fed variety and accents (southern drawls...or other states that use terms like ma'am, you'all etc.) You get the idea. However, I think New England may have been a past home of mine....it's strange....because nothing turns me on more than a polo shirt and pressed khakis..LOL. But honestly, I love the style of homes out here...not too much into the french country as much, but the cape style homes...homes made of wood and not playdoh. I am totally preppy...knakis are sexy, I don't care what you people say. I am especially overjoyed when I get a chance to come out to Mass.

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