Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Dressing for Success...

This morning on MSN.com there was an atricle about office dress codes. I find articles like this interesting...because I wonder where my conservative work attire falls into the grand scheme of things. I am practically a puritan at work...hahahaha. But here is a list of the items that I never wear to work or work related events:

  • Skirts that are more than a few inches (like 2-3" tops) above the knee
  • Low cut shirts or sweaters (includes any V-necks), I always wear a shirt underneath
  • Nothing too tight or even remotely see-through
  • Anything strapless (even to an evening function)
  • No midriff..eek! My tummy doesn't look too shabby but it's not for my coworkers to see
Some excerpts from the MSN article with comments:

Dress three pay raises ahead
Dressing a few tiers above your station is not pretentious, it's sensible. The only way bosses can imagine you in a more powerful position is to visualize you there. Give them a helping hand by looking sleek. Interns do this all the time, looking as if they are on salary even if they are wearing a very well-ironed shirt from the Gap sale rack. Smart girls.

AHA! I knew it! I knew there was a reason as to why I always iron everything like a madwoman....a little starch goes a long way in making some plain old Gap Khakis look like a pair of beige slacks.

Get groomed for the top
Hair. Nails. Shoes. Check for these along with your keys as you dash out the door. It's a little grooming mantra that I have yet to really master but works beautifully in businesses where people actually have to look at you. Grooming is more important than expensive clothes: it shows respect and makes you feel pulled together even if you are imploding. I always type faster after a manicure.

Agreed. No one wants to look at bird's nest while working...especially if you are in any sort of external/customer facing role. I have to shake a lot of hands and meet/greet with various people during my work travels...believe me, I try to maintain a decent manicure at all times...no one wants to shake a claw. And what about the shoes? Ladies! At long last...validation! We've been saying that "shoes complete the outfit" for years...it's really the small details that stand out and show that you really care about 1. your appearance, 2. value your coworkers/business associates' time and 3. feel that the meeting/job is important enough to put effort into making yourself presentable.

In all honesty, it's not so much about being good looking and having the most trendy or expensive whatever as it is to look well put together. Everyone can look stylish and professional no matter their size/whatever...you just gotta know what works for you and doesn't.

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