Friday, March 25, 2005

Surprise AIM

Today I got a little surprise AIM session from across the pond. Ralph (one of Trisha's friends) was given my AIM screenname (by an unnamed source who will soon be fired) so he would stop bothering her so she could "work"....uh-huh. Anyhoo, Ralph is a rather funny I thought I'd share some snipets of the AIM chat.
BTW - the screennames have been changed for privacy...hahahaha

Ralph: Your employee Trisha is useless y'know..perhaps you should consider letting her go..
Betty: i'm thinking about it...all she does is email me jokes and shit all day
Ralph: perhaps a public, humiliating sacking would do the trick?

Ralph: trisha said you are ill.
Ralph: I am also ill.
Ralph: I wish you better from illness
Ralph: and as I am a wizard, you should be better tomorrow by 1015am

Ralph: oh, can I have a job?
Betty: yes.
Ralph: my job is dull, and san francisco is nicer than derby where I live.
Betty: as soon as i fire trisha
Ralph: wicked
Betty: but you have to come to work naked
Ralph: I can do that

Ralph: right bosslady, go fire that irish wannabe, and get better
Ralph: in fact, fire her by setting her on fire. bye!

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